Where is all of this dissension coming from??? I have never seen so much display of contempt for a President. Ronald Reagan was the 1st election I voted in. Never have I seen such hate! The summer was terrible. What should had been a civil discussion concerning health care reform, it was more reminiscent of the lynch mob mentality of those who opposed civil rights during the 60's.
And all of this because of health care reform??? But wait a minute, did not the majority of voters, vote for Obama for change. 46 million Americans are without health insurance. Insurance premiums has doubled over the past 8yrs with the employer baring the brunt of most of the cost. But next yr, 2010 your employer plans to have you pick up more of your fair share. The average cost of family health coverage is over $13,000, if nothing is done, by 2019, the cost is projected to be approximately $30,000 per yr, per employee family! Only the rich would be able to afford health care. That kind of increase is far more than any tax increase levied to cover the cost of comprehensive coverage. Much more of an increase that will out pace any cost of living raise on most Americans jobs.
Thousands of fellow Americans are dying each year because they have been denied life saving procedures by the insurance companies getting in between decisions that should be made between the patient & their doctor. Many Americans are doing without & dying because they cannot purchase health ins. due to pre-existing conditions. Polls show that majority of Americans are not happy with the continuing increases of health ins and supports Obama's health reform plan. It was no secret during his campaigning that was an issue he planed to tackle once elected. He is keeping his word. Where is his support? You certainly could not see any at the town hall meetings. Or is all that noise, part of some conspiracy to cause the President to fail America?
People were bringing guns to town hall meetings where the President was to appear. A so called preacher is praying for the death of our President. Militias are on the rise once again. Obama is called a racist, socialist, communist. Accused of proposing "death panels" to euthanize seniors. Posters images depicting the President as an African Witch doctor, one poster states "Obamanomics, monkey see, monkey do". He is being accused of not being an American, folks want him to show them his birth certificate again & again. Parents don't want him to address the school kids, as if he is some kind of pedophile, Folks are screaming that they want their country back! Back from whom?
Where is all this unprecedented animosity coming from? Is it the Ditto heads of Rush Limbaugh with his comment that he wants Obama to fail. In a July broadcast, Rush Limbaugh voiced his outrage about food-safety advocates potentially "going after" Oreo cookies. Added the great wit: "Might have to put that off until Obama's out of office, but they'll eventually go after Oreos."
Glenn Beck: "Everything getting pushed through Congress -- including this health care bill -- is transforming America. And it's all driven by President Obama's thinking on one idea: reparations. ... He believes in all the 'universal' programs because they ‘disproportionately affect' people of color" (All of whom Obama knows personally, cause … you know … ). And don't forget Beck's comments "Obama has a deep seated hatred for white people."
But the evening the President's addressed the congress and Joe Wilson interrupting the President of The United States, by shouting "YOU LIE" in front of 10's of millions of Americans & viewers around the world. That did for me! I had enough of being PC by not calling what I see out by name. It was momentarily to much for me to bear. No longer would I turn the other cheek by not calling out what I perceived as Racism for fear of being called a reverse Racist by bigots while they do their dirty work.
I had to vent, so I joined Joe Wilson's fan page on facebook, this previously unknown congressman was considered by his sick and demented new followers a hero while he ask for donations to his reelection campaign. My comments on his facebook page is as follows:
Joe Wilson,
I guess the kind of comments I have seen over the last several months, the disrespect, the bigotry should be expected. Since the President is the 1st African American President in the history of the US. What I have seen would not have been done if the President was white. That's right!!! I PLAYED THE RACE CARD!!!
Never have I ever seen such down right idiotic, blatant lies, fear mongering, half truths, misinformation done to The President of the US. And you know it's true! You bigots are HYPOCRITES! I am ashamed of the behavior that I witnessed tonight, & also earlier this week when the President spoke to the kids. HYPOCRITES you are in everything you say, do and stand for.
Your actions speaks for yourselves against you. HYPOCRITES at the town hall fiascoes, and tonight FOR THE WHOLE WORLD TO SEE!!! You are the anti-Christ, the epitome of evil, vile, full of hate. Sick and reprobate, you have no conscious, you have no guidance from the Holy Spirit in your lives. You are tares amongst wheat who has no mercy for the sick except for your own selfish selves (lovers of yourselves). Vipers you are! You claim to be Christians but Christ never knew you! And you ARE being tested and judged.REPENT!
I will pray for you and your misguided followers revival.
Hence, this blog is born. It's time to talk about the issues that has polarized Americans. Your participation and comments are welcome. Check back soon, I'll tell you what kind of responses I received. Please click the "Follow" button on the upper right page so you will be able to get updates and comments.
Click on this link.Take a look at these pictures that are worth a thousand words. The difference between Bush protest and Obama protest

And all of this because of health care reform??? But wait a minute, did not the majority of voters, vote for Obama for change. 46 million Americans are without health insurance. Insurance premiums has doubled over the past 8yrs with the employer baring the brunt of most of the cost. But next yr, 2010 your employer plans to have you pick up more of your fair share. The average cost of family health coverage is over $13,000, if nothing is done, by 2019, the cost is projected to be approximately $30,000 per yr, per employee family! Only the rich would be able to afford health care. That kind of increase is far more than any tax increase levied to cover the cost of comprehensive coverage. Much more of an increase that will out pace any cost of living raise on most Americans jobs.
Thousands of fellow Americans are dying each year because they have been denied life saving procedures by the insurance companies getting in between decisions that should be made between the patient & their doctor. Many Americans are doing without & dying because they cannot purchase health ins. due to pre-existing conditions. Polls show that majority of Americans are not happy with the continuing increases of health ins and supports Obama's health reform plan. It was no secret during his campaigning that was an issue he planed to tackle once elected. He is keeping his word. Where is his support? You certainly could not see any at the town hall meetings. Or is all that noise, part of some conspiracy to cause the President to fail America?
People were bringing guns to town hall meetings where the President was to appear. A so called preacher is praying for the death of our President. Militias are on the rise once again. Obama is called a racist, socialist, communist. Accused of proposing "death panels" to euthanize seniors. Posters images depicting the President as an African Witch doctor, one poster states "Obamanomics, monkey see, monkey do". He is being accused of not being an American, folks want him to show them his birth certificate again & again. Parents don't want him to address the school kids, as if he is some kind of pedophile, Folks are screaming that they want their country back! Back from whom?
Where is all this unprecedented animosity coming from? Is it the Ditto heads of Rush Limbaugh with his comment that he wants Obama to fail. In a July broadcast, Rush Limbaugh voiced his outrage about food-safety advocates potentially "going after" Oreo cookies. Added the great wit: "Might have to put that off until Obama's out of office, but they'll eventually go after Oreos."
Glenn Beck: "Everything getting pushed through Congress -- including this health care bill -- is transforming America. And it's all driven by President Obama's thinking on one idea: reparations. ... He believes in all the 'universal' programs because they ‘disproportionately affect' people of color" (All of whom Obama knows personally, cause … you know … ). And don't forget Beck's comments "Obama has a deep seated hatred for white people."
But the evening the President's addressed the congress and Joe Wilson interrupting the President of The United States, by shouting "YOU LIE" in front of 10's of millions of Americans & viewers around the world. That did for me! I had enough of being PC by not calling what I see out by name. It was momentarily to much for me to bear. No longer would I turn the other cheek by not calling out what I perceived as Racism for fear of being called a reverse Racist by bigots while they do their dirty work.
I had to vent, so I joined Joe Wilson's fan page on facebook, this previously unknown congressman was considered by his sick and demented new followers a hero while he ask for donations to his reelection campaign. My comments on his facebook page is as follows:
Joe Wilson,
I guess the kind of comments I have seen over the last several months, the disrespect, the bigotry should be expected. Since the President is the 1st African American President in the history of the US. What I have seen would not have been done if the President was white. That's right!!! I PLAYED THE RACE CARD!!!
Never have I ever seen such down right idiotic, blatant lies, fear mongering, half truths, misinformation done to The President of the US. And you know it's true! You bigots are HYPOCRITES! I am ashamed of the behavior that I witnessed tonight, & also earlier this week when the President spoke to the kids. HYPOCRITES you are in everything you say, do and stand for.
Your actions speaks for yourselves against you. HYPOCRITES at the town hall fiascoes, and tonight FOR THE WHOLE WORLD TO SEE!!! You are the anti-Christ, the epitome of evil, vile, full of hate. Sick and reprobate, you have no conscious, you have no guidance from the Holy Spirit in your lives. You are tares amongst wheat who has no mercy for the sick except for your own selfish selves (lovers of yourselves). Vipers you are! You claim to be Christians but Christ never knew you! And you ARE being tested and judged.REPENT!
I will pray for you and your misguided followers revival.
Hence, this blog is born. It's time to talk about the issues that has polarized Americans. Your participation and comments are welcome. Check back soon, I'll tell you what kind of responses I received. Please click the "Follow" button on the upper right page so you will be able to get updates and comments.
The Colbert Report | Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
The Word - Blackwashing | ||||
Click on this link.Take a look at these pictures that are worth a thousand words. The difference between Bush protest and Obama protest
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