What is the Separation of Church and State?

Posted by Glenn SR | | Posted on 11:59 AM


By Austin Cline

What is the separation of church and state? That is a very good question — the separation of church and state is perhaps one of the most misunderstood, misrepresented and maligned concepts in today’s political, legal and religious debates. Everyone has an opinion, but unfortunately, many of those opinions are woefully misinformed.

The separation of church and state is not only misunderstood, it is also exceedingly important. That is probably one of the few points on which everyone on all sides of the debate can readily agree upon — their reasons for agreeing may differ, but they do concur that the separation of church and state is one of the key constitutional principles in American history.

What Are "Church" and "State"?

Understanding the separation of church and state is complicated by the fact that we are using such a simplified phrase. There is, after all, no single “church.” There are many religious organizations in the United States taking different names — church, synagogue, temple, Kingdom Hall and more. There are also many corporate bodies that do not adopt such religious titles but which are nevertheless controlled by religious organizations — for example, Catholic hospitals.
Also, there is no single “state.” Instead, there are multiple levels of government at the federal, state, regional and local level. There is also a great variety of government organizations — commissions, departments, agencies and more. These can all have different levels of involvement and different relationships with the aforementioned religious organizations.

This is important because it underscores the fact that, in the “separation of church and state,” we cannot be talking about a single, literal church and a single, literal state. Those terms are metaphors, meant to point to something larger. The “church” should be construed as any organized religious body with its doctrines/dogmas and “state” should be construed as any governmental body, any government-run organization or any government-sponsored event.
Thus, a more accurate phrase than “separation of church and state” might be something like “separation of organized religion and civil authority,” because religious and civil authorities are not and should not be invested in the same people or organizations. In practice, this means that civil authority cannot dictate to or control organized religious bodies. The state cannot tell religious bodies what to preach, how to preach or when to preach. Civil authority must exercise a “hands off” approach, neither helping nor hindering religion.

Protecting Church and State

Separation of church and state is a two-way street. It isn’t just about restricting what the government can do with religion, but also what religious bodies can do with the government. Religious groups cannot dictate to or control the government. They cannot cause the government to adopt their particular doctrines as policy for everyone, they cannot cause the government to restrict other groups, etc.
The biggest threat to religious freedom is not the government — or at least, not the government acting alone. We very rarely have a situation where secular government officials act to repress any particular religion or religion in general. More common are private religious organizations acting through the government by having their own doctrines and beliefs codified into law or policy.

Thus, the separation of church and state ensures that private citizens, when acting in the role of some government official, cannot have any aspect of their private religious beliefs imposed upon others. School teachers cannot promote their religion to other people’s children. Local officials cannot require certain religious beliefs on the part of government employees. Government leaders cannot make members of other religions feel like they are unwanted or are second-class citizens by using their position to promote particular religious beliefs.

This requires moral self-restraint on government officials, and even to a degree on private citizens — a self-restraint which is necessary for a religiously pluralistic society to survive without descending into religious civil war. It ensures that the government remains the government of all citizens, not the government of one denomination or one religious tradition. It ensures that political divisions not be drawn along religious lines, with Protestants battling Catholics or Christians battling Muslims for “their share” of the public purse.

The separation of church and state a key constitutional liberty which protects the American public from tyranny. It protects all people from the religious tyranny of any one religious group or tradition and it protects all people from a government intent on tyrannizing some or any religious groups.

President Obama gives Bush & Republicans their due credit...

Posted by Glenn SR | | Posted on 9:44 PM


The "surge" worked HURRAY!!! Tonight Obama gave Bush & the Reps. their credit due and claim...but wait a minute, we weren't supposed to be there in the 1st place? Anyway the lives it cost, 100,000 Iraqi civilians, over 4,400 Americans dead, over 1 million of our finest served in this horrible war, 10s of thousands Soldiers that are permanently disabled, 2 million displaced Christian refugees...and don't forget the $Trillion Dollar price tag added to the US deficit...Thank you Mr Bush & your Republican.      click read more

The Rant, The Analysis

Posted by Glenn SR | | Posted on 3:14 AM


The "N" Word

This most offensive of words in American speech, drenched in blood, dates back to the late 16th century,

An Open Letter To President Obama

Posted by Glenn SR | | Posted on 5:30 AM


Mr. President you & the Democrats have accomplished much ground breaking achievements for the benefit of America....Flaunt Them!

Please don't let the Republicans
get away with their smear machine by  lying to the American people. Point out their flaws and misinformation. Point out that the only way they can get elected & re-elected is to use the old "Southern Strategy" that creates wedge issues as they seek to stay away from the real issues that concerns most Americans e.g. jobs and the economy...

Please no more throwing members of your administration & government under the bus simply because they make wild accusations like Mrs Sherrod & others but come to their defense. People respect a leader that stands up for his own.

It's time to score some points with the American people. Use the same tactics they are using against you with one exception, "use the truth". Stick by your principles you believe in, principles that you instilled in the hearts & minds of those who supports you...DO NOT PLAY POLITICS WITH YOUR PRINCIPLES & DO NOT BACK TRACK!!! YOU MUST EARN THE RESPECT OF THE INDEPENDENTS THAT VOTED FOR YOU...

The GOP's strategy is to make you fail & put the burden of such failure on American families. We already had 8yrs of  their failure. Americans can't handle another 4yrs of failure because of them. The GOP advocates failure simply to win elections, that is un-patriotic & very selfish! 


Please do not continue to try appease the Radical Right, you've proven your point & Americans are watching...bipartisanship it's not going to happen, at least not for now.

Republicans are not interested in bipartisanship unless it serves their own selfish motives...those on the Radical Right, the GOP, did not vote for you anyway and never will. Do not loose the votes of the Americans that did vote for you. You owe it to us! 

Point out the specific problems with the party of  NO's & THE DO NOTHING attitude but only to obstruct progress that negatively effects lives of  us who live on main street... 

Point Out their polarization of race. First they alienate & attacked African Americans. Then it's the Hispanics and now American Muslims...

Point Out how they want to change the US Constitution & take away our inalienable rights.

Point Out their "Southern Strategy" and what it means.  Point Out  how they declared war on millions of the unemployed Americans and
the Poor by voting against extended unemployment benefits as well as jobs.

Point Out how they delayed the much needed assistance to our American HEROES who are now sick & destitute, the first responders.

Help Americans to Remember...

Point Out how they drove our economy into the ground two wars one a  $TRILLION DOLLAR WAR that we were tricked into by the  Republicans without providing a way to pay for those wars and excluded their expense out of the budget....

But above all Point Out The Thousands of American & Iraqi lives that were lost because of that war!

Point Out how they voted against one of the biggest tax breaks in American history directed to the middle class instead of the upper 2%.  

Point Out how they voted against supporting & funding our troops

POINT OUT the fact they have a  lack of solutions but only ideology which they themselves don't live up to, except to prolong the suffering of the American people...

You said yourself that "politics" is something you do well. & it's time to take the gloves off! 

The Republicans have no solutions, no plans but POINT OUT YOURS!

I commend  you on the great job you are doing governing as you walked into office facing 2 wars & the the worse economy since the "Great Depression"  left over by the party of do nothing complicated with Republican obstructions.

May the Lord Jesus Christ Richly Bless you, your family and America!

Glenn Burgess SR


Posted by Glenn SR | | Posted on 12:32 AM


Now Is The Time To Come Together
 The words of "President Obama"

Here are the "Real" Issues 

  We are in a war on 2 fronts!
   1.8yr War in Iraq
   2. 8yr War in Afghanistan

   3." To Big to Fail" corporations on Wall Street
   4. Record deficit left by the previous Administration

   5. Worst economic downturn since the "Great Depression"
   6. American "Health Care Crisis"

   7. High unemployment In 2009, the Detroit metro area experienced the highest unemployment rate   of the 50   largest metros—15.1%


Oh, don't forget the current Gulf Cost oil spill crisis!
At the hands of an already is a "multi billion dollar" profit earning Corporation, ignoring safety warnings. Why? Because it will slow down production??? looks like that production became a HUGE LIABILITY  .for years to come.     

The ultimate cost was the 11 souls lost in the initial explosion
  " It's hard being a President" Now Days!

  The Point is that it doesn't matter who is President, rather it was a Republican OR Democrat in the "White House" These
problems will  not go poof- and go away in a day, nor 2yrs or More!  

  Let me ask you...If it took 8 long years to get into this mess, would'nt it be logical to think that it may take   more than 1 OR 2yrs? Maybe even 4-8yrs to get out?

These are Deep Seeded Problems!

I Do Not Blindly Trust Our "Gov" and the Office of The President. I am sometimes ashamed of the ruthless behavior & the in-fighting on both sides and the lack of cooperation for the good for the people of the people.

I have observed however, that on the so called "right" attack every step, ever action, every policy, every position this President makes on the issues. They even attack before he tackles the problems. They even see into the future and criticize decisions that he do not even know about. may make and make stuff up! Therefore painting the President as some type of screw up (I can personally relate). It seems to me that the right is hell bent effort on every little and large move that this President makes to paint him as a screw up!

I recall the Haiti earthquake upon where thousands of human beings perished. Upon learning of the tragedy that thousands were killed, I knew somehow that somehow, someway, the so called "right" would politize and play the spin, blame game to somehow to blame this tragedy on Obama as respondsibe for an act of God!

There is a"by any means necessary" climate fostered in Washington to make this President fail, just to regain power on the Hill. But what the supporters of their party fail to realise is that when the President fail, the people pay the high price & suffer by that failure, while the radio shock jocks and tv rodeo clowns are the ones making millions of dollars while they are riding & laughing all the way to the bank on yours and mine's backs.

My point is than no one screws up all of the time even GW.

When this perception of disrespect along with misinformation exist, those who supports President Obama, the so called "Left" has no other choice to not admit their mistakes because all the "bull manure" slung. This also prevents the "Right" to come to the table and do what's best for America for fear their constituents will vote them out of office as traitors to their party.

Both sides seem to have the lack of testosterone to do what's best for the country. The "Right" and their supporters has been very disrespectful to the "Office" of the President. I never have seen in my lifetime, this low level of disrespect to the office in my lifetim It is true that the Dems has thrown rocks @ at Bush and has been disrespectful to him from time to time but not all of the time...There is a culture disrespect that has brought GOP down to new lows against the office of the President, that seems to make it ok to flame the office of the Office. For example McCrystal's open comments even though he himself claims to had voted for the President.

  The issue is not about the "Man" in office but the real issue is the respect due to 


  It is way past time for Americans to realize that they themselves, including supporters of both parties, are being hoodwinked!!!
Get rid of the "Anger"  You may feel that your anger is justified, but however we need clear heads and clear minds.to solve our mutual problems, especially the Gulf situation & after I watch the documentary "Gasland"  how polluted our drinking water across the Country. "We" need to  focus on "issues" that concerns most Americans . It has come to the point you need to  fact check & educate ourselves. Then we can. put the issues into perspective.

We the people must realize that in a capitalistic system it's all about the Bottom line $$$ and Wall Street's needs & don't forget  "to big to fail" corporations needs comes also 1st! Before the needs, well being and even the lives of Americans, that means "US".

Until "we" understand that big business along with the manipulation of media &amp by these large corporations, ultimately "Big Gov" is controlled by the big guys. They will continue to turn ordinary folks against on each other while these "hustlers" of large corporations have consensual sex in our backside and when they finish, they get us to "do it" to ourselves by voting their puppets  in over & over again.

We need to get past labels and ideology such as Democrats on the "Left and Republicans on the "Right" and even the new label of so called "Independents".  Realize we all want the best for our families & fellow man, that we are Americans & Place our Faith in GOD & work together!

A country divided against it's self cannot stand.


Obama Will Triumph - So Will America

Posted by Glenn SR | Posted in | Posted on 11:45 PM


The Following Is An Email I Received- Very thought provoking.


This was sent to me and I really read it that is not the norm for me but I am so surprise at how the people have been acting about our president. It really amaze me that people with high college degrees thought that this man would be able to solve our problems by walking in a door. Never in my life have I really by so interested in politics at all as I have since this man walk in the door and have incur all the last president problems and the mind set of the people of him really cleaning it up quickly! So as I read this I had to laugh cause this is kinda how I feel. Please read this and pass it if
you like but please send me back what you think on it? now I am sending to republicans and democrats.

By Frank Schaeffer

Before he’d served even one year, President Obama lost the support of the easily distracted left and engendered the white hot rage of the hate-filled right. But some of us, from all walks of life and ideological backgrounds -- including this white, straight, 57-year-old, former religious right wing agitator, now progressive writer and (given my background as the son of a famous evangelical leader), this unlikely Obama supporter -- are sticking with our President. Why?