The Rant, The Analysis
Posted by Glenn SR | | Posted on 3:14 AM
The "N" Word
This most offensive of words in American speech, drenched in blood, dates back to the late 16th century,
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The Dr. Laura thing was pretty crazy. I first heard about it on Anderson Cooper on CNN the day after it happened. It was about way more than the N-word and actually it was everything else she said and the assumptions she made (i.e. making the leap from what black comedians do to this specific caller's marital concern) that showed the most blatant racism--racism being essentially grouping members of a race together in one category! The primary concern of the caller was her husband's responsibility to her, his insensitivity to her feelings and his obligations to stand up for her. This is an issue that many married couples have, it doesn't necessarily have to be about race, it is transcendent and can show up around a variety of topics (weight, in-laws, etc). Laura should have had the intellect to address this, the marital problem, as the primary issue with race being the particular topic around which the caller's concern surfaced!