President Obama gives Bush & Republicans their due credit...

Posted by Glenn SR | | Posted on 9:44 PM


The "surge" worked HURRAY!!! Tonight Obama gave Bush & the Reps. their credit due and claim...but wait a minute, we weren't supposed to be there in the 1st place? Anyway the lives it cost, 100,000 Iraqi civilians, over 4,400 Americans dead, over 1 million of our finest served in this horrible war, 10s of thousands Soldiers that are permanently disabled, 2 million displaced Christian refugees...and don't forget the $Trillion Dollar price tag added to the US deficit...Thank you Mr Bush & your Republican.      click read more

The Rant, The Analysis

Posted by Glenn SR | | Posted on 3:14 AM


The "N" Word

This most offensive of words in American speech, drenched in blood, dates back to the late 16th century,

An Open Letter To President Obama

Posted by Glenn SR | | Posted on 5:30 AM


Mr. President you & the Democrats have accomplished much ground breaking achievements for the benefit of America....Flaunt Them!

Please don't let the Republicans
get away with their smear machine by  lying to the American people. Point out their flaws and misinformation. Point out that the only way they can get elected & re-elected is to use the old "Southern Strategy" that creates wedge issues as they seek to stay away from the real issues that concerns most Americans e.g. jobs and the economy...

Please no more throwing members of your administration & government under the bus simply because they make wild accusations like Mrs Sherrod & others but come to their defense. People respect a leader that stands up for his own.

It's time to score some points with the American people. Use the same tactics they are using against you with one exception, "use the truth". Stick by your principles you believe in, principles that you instilled in the hearts & minds of those who supports you...DO NOT PLAY POLITICS WITH YOUR PRINCIPLES & DO NOT BACK TRACK!!! YOU MUST EARN THE RESPECT OF THE INDEPENDENTS THAT VOTED FOR YOU...

The GOP's strategy is to make you fail & put the burden of such failure on American families. We already had 8yrs of  their failure. Americans can't handle another 4yrs of failure because of them. The GOP advocates failure simply to win elections, that is un-patriotic & very selfish! 


Please do not continue to try appease the Radical Right, you've proven your point & Americans are watching...bipartisanship it's not going to happen, at least not for now.

Republicans are not interested in bipartisanship unless it serves their own selfish motives...those on the Radical Right, the GOP, did not vote for you anyway and never will. Do not loose the votes of the Americans that did vote for you. You owe it to us! 

Point out the specific problems with the party of  NO's & THE DO NOTHING attitude but only to obstruct progress that negatively effects lives of  us who live on main street... 

Point Out their polarization of race. First they alienate & attacked African Americans. Then it's the Hispanics and now American Muslims...

Point Out how they want to change the US Constitution & take away our inalienable rights.

Point Out their "Southern Strategy" and what it means.  Point Out  how they declared war on millions of the unemployed Americans and
the Poor by voting against extended unemployment benefits as well as jobs.

Point Out how they delayed the much needed assistance to our American HEROES who are now sick & destitute, the first responders.

Help Americans to Remember...

Point Out how they drove our economy into the ground two wars one a  $TRILLION DOLLAR WAR that we were tricked into by the  Republicans without providing a way to pay for those wars and excluded their expense out of the budget....

But above all Point Out The Thousands of American & Iraqi lives that were lost because of that war!

Point Out how they voted against one of the biggest tax breaks in American history directed to the middle class instead of the upper 2%.  

Point Out how they voted against supporting & funding our troops

POINT OUT the fact they have a  lack of solutions but only ideology which they themselves don't live up to, except to prolong the suffering of the American people...

You said yourself that "politics" is something you do well. & it's time to take the gloves off! 

The Republicans have no solutions, no plans but POINT OUT YOURS!

I commend  you on the great job you are doing governing as you walked into office facing 2 wars & the the worse economy since the "Great Depression"  left over by the party of do nothing complicated with Republican obstructions.

May the Lord Jesus Christ Richly Bless you, your family and America!

Glenn Burgess SR