Time to stop towing the Political Parties Line

Posted by Glenn SR | | Posted on 4:56 AM

Here is the problem folks...I'm a moderate Democrat. A family tradition. I'm also African American. What has made this country Great has been 2 party system of check and balacnes. I'm appauled to see the Dem party being hi-jacked. I'm apauled to see Christians rediculed for their moral values. Since when does it mean that inorder to be a liberal or a Democrat you to must denounce your Christian values and become an "Atheist"  I'm appauled that "some" in my party are out to destroy 2nd Amend.  As a Christian such a ban will lead to persecution in the last days of this age. There must be a shift in the long term strategy. That is we need to get past the labels.

People like this are not Liberals or Conservatives in the tradition of the word. Some are misguided but some are enemy's of the State. From what I see our country has been bought n sold to the highest bidder. I will post this on my fb, I will catch flack. Just like many here are Rep & appauled to what's happen to your party, I'm appauled to whats happening to mines. It's un American. There are many that feel the same way I do but just dont have the guts to say so. It's time to stop giving blind alleginces to political parties that require us to toe the "Party Lines".


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