The 23 Presidential Executive Orders

Posted by Glenn SR | | Posted on 6:08 PM

Friends there is truly a gun & violence problem plaguing  America and I'm in total agreement with the President's as well as applaud his 23 executive orders. BUT, it's not enough and does not address the real root causes of gun violence in America, only a few.  Yet here are only some of  the likely root causes of the violence we see today:

*Deep spending cuts on the state and federal levels on mental health

*Poverty and the lack of hope & opportunities in the inner cities

*Institutional racism

*Dis-apportionately high UN-employment rates among Hispanics & Blacks communities compared to the national averages

Dis-apportionately high incarceration of Blacks & Hispanics males even though studies shows that they are no more predestined to be criminals than Whites...which 
takes fathers out of the home & makes it virtually impossible for them to get "meaningful" employment after their release

*Single parent homes

*Poor & and broken down school systems across America

*High high-school drop out rates in the inner cities


*Drug trafficking

*Gang affiliation

*Lack of useful recreational activities for restless inner city youths

*lack of community

*The effects of "glorification" of violence in rap music, video games and movies upon impressionable disenfranchised & mentally ill youth in all of our society 

* The attitude of a Godless society today and the lack of morals being taught in all family homes.

*Lack of personal responsibility of parents, teachers, community leaders and government on all levels

Plus many more...

A word about the media...The media's primary focus on the root cause of gun violence has been focusing on demonetization millions of lawful gun owners and pushing a worthless so call assault weapons and high capacity magazine ban, that statically failed to curb violence during the Clinton Ban....

Follow me on this...Rifles which includes so called Assault weapons, which are very "HARD" to conceal, are only less than 2% of "ALL" gun crimes in America with 98% of gun crimes done by handguns which are very "EASY" conceal.
Then why all of the emotional media spin and political focus, so energized on only what "THEY" promoted as the primary reason for all the violence was due to guns,  focused on assault rifles and the millions of Americans that own them and NOT FOCUSED WHAT ACCORDING TO "THEIR" LOGIC THE "98%"  , HAND GUNS?

All we heard mostly up until the President listing his 23 Excutive Orders was "only" banning assault rifles, promoted by the media...


Dose that seems to be a bit azz backwards only to focus on the perceived 2% while ignoring 98% of the problem?
Or is it how today's Washington operate?

Are the "corporate owned" medias spinning this and playing on the grief & emotions of the American people,  for the benefit of politicians,  spinelessly using the recent  "deaths"  of  the  kids who died at Stony Hook Elementary,  by attempting to tie so called "assault rifles" own by millions of lawful gun owners, in an attempt tie it's use as the root causes of gun violence linking to the "hundreds" of deaths of inner city kids?

Why the diversion? 
Is the it money that it will take to address these complicated reasons of all the death we see everyday on the evening news?

Or is it something else?

I only hope that once the gun control proposals,  even if it make through "both" houses, pass or fail,  we don't let our the media sweep the needs of our "inner" city communities under the rug.

The elections are over, our President has been dutifully elected and soon will be sworn in...

The honeymoon is over....Hold our politicians, despite the indignant media spins & diversion for whatever the reasons, accountable to our communities. They owe that too us.


And remember this also, Jesus may be coming back soon...

Blessings, by Glenn Sr

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