Today's Polarized Political Enviroment
Posted by Glenn SR | | Posted on 4:09 PM
Folks in today's polarized political environment please, please, please don't be afraid of pointing out wrongdoings by our state, federal government as well as individuals. There are those on the right who attempt to "Bully" you into silence when one pointed out injustices and sins.
They claim you are playing the "gender" card, the "race" card and even the "religious" card. By our vocal silence and they say you are playing the "gender" card, the "race" card and even the "religious" card. By our vocal silence and not participating in the political process & getting out the vote, we run the risk of repeating the dark side of American history.
They claim you are playing the "gender" card, the "race" card and even the "religious" card. By our vocal silence and they say you are playing the "gender" card, the "race" card and even the "religious" card. By our vocal silence and not participating in the political process & getting out the vote, we run the risk of repeating the dark side of American history.
They tend to be rude in their comments, they yell, they scream, they blatantly in your face disrespect you. As we've have seen during the Presidential debates. There are those who say that there is no discrimination toward women & minorities. But unfortunately we do not live in a color blind America.They say that they themselves work hard to get theirs so "get off your lazy butt work hard to get yours. They say take "personal responsibility" and tell those who have been victimized that they have a victim mentality.
What they fail to realize is that we all want the same things which is a level playing field and no stumbling blocks placed within our pathway by discrimination & other sins toward enjoying the American dream. By our silence and not participating in the political process we run the risk of repeating the dark side of American history. Let us not be "that" generation that allow the clock turn back on civil rights and freedoms that those before us worked so diligently hard for and some even died for.
In today's political climate we must "ALL" White, Black, Yellow or Brown, men and women strive to not loose the dignities obtained We must learn to communicate with each other in intelligent thoughtful ways and respect one another.
What they fail to realize is that we all want the same things which is a level playing field and no stumbling blocks placed within our pathway by discrimination & other sins toward enjoying the American dream. By our silence and not participating in the political process we run the risk of repeating the dark side of American history. Let us not be "that" generation that allow the clock turn back on civil rights and freedoms that those before us worked so diligently hard for and some even died for.
In today's political climate we must "ALL" White, Black, Yellow or Brown, men and women strive to not loose the dignities obtained We must learn to communicate with each other in intelligent thoughtful ways and respect one another.
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