Posted by Glenn SR | | Posted on 7:29 PM

GOP senators ‘hold’ on to flimsy criticism of Rice, Benghazi

If the President nominates Susan Rice & Republicans like John McCain block the nomination of her nomination, who is very well qualified and done nothing wrong, republicans should be made an historical example of by letting them continuously block the US  from having a Secretary of State indefinitely until they stop this game playing even until the mid term elections even until 2016 without the Secretary of State...  "We people" the American voter must therefore  focus on ousting these obstructionist of American progress. WE NEED TO LET THESE OBSTRUCTIONS KNOW ITS TIME TO MOVE AMERICA FORWARD...BUT WE MUST DO OUR PART!

                      Tell John McCain: 

Please Mr McCain. I respectfully request you do the right thing by focusing upon issues that concerns Americans the most. For example the fiscal cliff we are heading to. If the President nominates Susan Rice  for the office of Secretary of State, please do not block the confirmation vote.

Here is the email link to John McCain Senate office:
Or You may make contact by contacting his Washington Office paid for us tax payers:

Washington Office:
241 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Main: (202) 224-2235
Fax: (202) 228-2862

Once you made contact with Senator McCain asking him to get off Susan Rice back, contact your own state Senators by following this link:

Find your Senator and ask them to allow a confirmation vote for Susan Rice, should the President nominates her and move America forward.

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