The Deception Behind "The Obama Deception" 詐欺
Posted by Glenn SR | Posted in The Obama Deception | Posted on 3:32 AM
MAGNA EST VERITAS, ET PREVALEBIT - "Truth is mighty, and it shall prevail."
Alex Jones & Jason Bermas are the producers of the "Obama Deception" (and also run a conspiracy website called video floating around on the internet and dvd depicting the President of the US as a member of the Illuminati and throw George Bush under the bus as a member as well. The paranoia that this video brings is the reason that we see this humongus backlash against the 1st African American President of the United States...My question is where was all this furor under George Bush, who was voted in 2 times by many that are now attacking Obama? So I researched the answers for myself and here are my findings.
"Hardfire" debates Jason Bermas regarding his 911 conspiracy video "Loose Change" and his position.VERY EYE OPENING Watch>>
The original film was edited and re-released as "Loose Change": 2nd Edition, and then subsequently edited a third time for the 2nd Edition Recut, each time to tighten the focus on certain key areas and to correct some inaccurate claims and remove copyrighted material. Loose Change: Final Cut, deemed "the third and final release of this documentary series"[2] was released on DVD and Web-streaming format on November 11, 2007.[3] Despite the title, however, a new version of the film, Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup was released on September 22, 2009.[4]
Journalists,[5][6][7] researchers,[8][9] as well as scientists and engineers[10] have spoken out against the film's claims about the September 11 attacks. From Wikipedia
Since this movie was pushed by 9-11 Truth Groups at tea parties on Wednesday, and now is being advertised on both Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck's radio programs I thought I would discuss the film.
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View The Alex Jones Deception
This guy is full of paranoia, but you be the judge.
Note: On the eve of the new yr 2000 (y2k]. The man that so many misguided people take for gospel on his info wars website and the "The Obama Deception" did a classic Orson Wells "World of The Worlds" radio show literally sending thousands of his listeners into panic. He stated that the New World Order was coming to full fruition. But don't take my word for it, listen for yourself.
Jones’s roots are very much on the far right. He represents an old strain of American conservatism--isolationist, anti-Wall Street, paranoid about elite conspiracies--that last flowered during the John Birch Society’s heyday. He began his radio broadcasting career in 1996, in his early twenties, with the Austin-based show "The Final Edition," which promulgated all sorts of black-helicopter theories about Bill Clinton. Steeped in the rhetoric of the militia movement, he’s long been a champion of Randy Weaver, the white supremacist whose wife and son were killed in 1992 by federal agents at Ruby Ridge, Idaho. (He’s asserted that the people behind Ruby Ridge and Waco were also behind the 1993 World Trade Center bombings--"Clinton’s Reichstag.")

Unlike most Clinton-haters, Jones (who didn’t respond to interview requests) hated George W. Bush just as much. To him, both Democrats and Republicans are puppets of the same set of rapacious moneymen who have hatched the New World Order conspiracy. So, when the World Trade Center was attacked again in 2001, Jones didn’t hesitate to blame the government for what he saw as an atrocity perpetrated by the global elites in their drive to enslave the world’s population.
But, since Obama’s election, the ridicule has died down. On March 15, Jones released a documentary called The Obama Deception, which has been widely advertised in conservative media and viewed more than four million times on YouTube. The Obama Deception is basically a more detailed version of the dystopian scenario promoted night after night on Beck. Arguing that Obama is the front man for an oligarchy working to create a planetary totalitarian state, it is like The Protocols of the Elders of Zion stripped of any reference to Jews.
Three days after The Obama Deception was released, the online Fox News show "Freedom Watch"--hosted by the network’s senior judicial analyst, Andrew Napolitano--did a joint broadcast with Jones. "I am so happy because we’re doing something different right now," Napolitano announced at the start of his March 18 program. "We are simulcasting with the one, the only, the great Alex Jones on Alex Jones radio!"
Until recently, Jones’s search for mainstream allies has been less than fruitful. During the Bush years, when the conservative movement acknowledged Jones at all, it was to mock and revile him. In March 2006, Sean Hannity ridiculed Charlie Sheen for spinning September 11 conspiracy theories on Jones’s show. In May 2007, Michelle Malkin argued that Ron Paul’s associations with Jones and the 9/11 Truth movement should disqualify him from participating in GOP primary debates. Last year, Bill O’Reilly ran outtakes from Jones’s interview with fellow Truther Willie Nelson on a segment about "the dumbest things that have been said in the past three months."Source Truther Consequences
Alex Jones publishes fake interview of President Obama with ...Alex Jones, the controversial talk radio host and operator of conspiracy websites like and , sparked outrage today by ...And yet his cult followers still stand behind this deceiver!
Here is an email that I received from a dear Facebook friend and my reply:
October 17 at 11:37pm
Lucy, thank you very much. I have never heard this speech. I will include my thoughts regarding this speech on my up coming blog.
I listened to 2 edited versions of the Presidents speech and 1 unedited version. The 1st edited version made me think. The 2nd version seem to be sensationalized.
The 3rd unedited version opened my eyes. Go listen to the unedited version of the Kennedy speech at the Kennedy library online.
The edited version of the late President's speech is a horrible manipulation of the truth. Kennedy was referring to the closed society of the USSR and Cuba and the conspiracy of spreading communism at the height of the "Cold War" which eventually led into the Cuban missile crisis. These people are trying to make you afraid by lying to you.
I have included the link directly to his speech online at the Kennedy Library.
I have included President Kennedy's unedited speech
You are a very sweet soul and I honestly feel that the truth is what you seek and desire.
And so do I. For that reason I will do my best to keep an open mind as I seek the truth but we are only human.
Good Bless You and Your Family,
Glenn SR
Note: As I did my initial internet search for info wars debunked on google and on youtube. This organization as arranged that their "Obama Deception Video" to appear. I also tried the deception behind the Obama deception and the initial description would read something like the fraud exposed to the Obama Deception. But once I enter into the website it turns out to be a plug for their movie, "The Obama Deception" These folks has clearly gone through the expense and work to rig the search engines with false results, anticipating someone like myself, wanting to evaluate opposing views to do an honest research on their organization and their deceptive movie.
Final thoughts. Obiviously Alex Jones and, "The Obama Deception" Cannot be taken as facts but as fables. It is my conclusion Jones & Bermas makes a living hyping up conspiracy theories. It's all about the money. Click here and see for yourself.
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15
Alex Jones & Jason Bermas are the producers of the "Obama Deception" (and also run a conspiracy website called video floating around on the internet and dvd depicting the President of the US as a member of the Illuminati and throw George Bush under the bus as a member as well. The paranoia that this video brings is the reason that we see this humongus backlash against the 1st African American President of the United States...My question is where was all this furor under George Bush, who was voted in 2 times by many that are now attacking Obama? So I researched the answers for myself and here are my findings.
"Hardfire" debates Jason Bermas regarding his 911 conspiracy video "Loose Change" and his position.VERY EYE OPENING Watch>>
The original film was edited and re-released as "Loose Change": 2nd Edition, and then subsequently edited a third time for the 2nd Edition Recut, each time to tighten the focus on certain key areas and to correct some inaccurate claims and remove copyrighted material. Loose Change: Final Cut, deemed "the third and final release of this documentary series"[2] was released on DVD and Web-streaming format on November 11, 2007.[3] Despite the title, however, a new version of the film, Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup was released on September 22, 2009.[4]
Journalists,[5][6][7] researchers,[8][9] as well as scientists and engineers[10] have spoken out against the film's claims about the September 11 attacks. From Wikipedia
The Obama Deception Debunked Part I
This is written by a conservative who voted for John McCainSince this movie was pushed by 9-11 Truth Groups at tea parties on Wednesday, and now is being advertised on both Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck's radio programs I thought I would discuss the film.
Read More
View The Alex Jones Deception
This guy is full of paranoia, but you be the judge.
Note: On the eve of the new yr 2000 (y2k]. The man that so many misguided people take for gospel on his info wars website and the "The Obama Deception" did a classic Orson Wells "World of The Worlds" radio show literally sending thousands of his listeners into panic. He stated that the New World Order was coming to full fruition. But don't take my word for it, listen for yourself.
Jones’s roots are very much on the far right. He represents an old strain of American conservatism--isolationist, anti-Wall Street, paranoid about elite conspiracies--that last flowered during the John Birch Society’s heyday. He began his radio broadcasting career in 1996, in his early twenties, with the Austin-based show "The Final Edition," which promulgated all sorts of black-helicopter theories about Bill Clinton. Steeped in the rhetoric of the militia movement, he’s long been a champion of Randy Weaver, the white supremacist whose wife and son were killed in 1992 by federal agents at Ruby Ridge, Idaho. (He’s asserted that the people behind Ruby Ridge and Waco were also behind the 1993 World Trade Center bombings--"Clinton’s Reichstag.")
Unlike most Clinton-haters, Jones (who didn’t respond to interview requests) hated George W. Bush just as much. To him, both Democrats and Republicans are puppets of the same set of rapacious moneymen who have hatched the New World Order conspiracy. So, when the World Trade Center was attacked again in 2001, Jones didn’t hesitate to blame the government for what he saw as an atrocity perpetrated by the global elites in their drive to enslave the world’s population.
But, since Obama’s election, the ridicule has died down. On March 15, Jones released a documentary called The Obama Deception, which has been widely advertised in conservative media and viewed more than four million times on YouTube. The Obama Deception is basically a more detailed version of the dystopian scenario promoted night after night on Beck. Arguing that Obama is the front man for an oligarchy working to create a planetary totalitarian state, it is like The Protocols of the Elders of Zion stripped of any reference to Jews.
Three days after The Obama Deception was released, the online Fox News show "Freedom Watch"--hosted by the network’s senior judicial analyst, Andrew Napolitano--did a joint broadcast with Jones. "I am so happy because we’re doing something different right now," Napolitano announced at the start of his March 18 program. "We are simulcasting with the one, the only, the great Alex Jones on Alex Jones radio!"
Until recently, Jones’s search for mainstream allies has been less than fruitful. During the Bush years, when the conservative movement acknowledged Jones at all, it was to mock and revile him. In March 2006, Sean Hannity ridiculed Charlie Sheen for spinning September 11 conspiracy theories on Jones’s show. In May 2007, Michelle Malkin argued that Ron Paul’s associations with Jones and the 9/11 Truth movement should disqualify him from participating in GOP primary debates. Last year, Bill O’Reilly ran outtakes from Jones’s interview with fellow Truther Willie Nelson on a segment about "the dumbest things that have been said in the past three months."Source Truther Consequences
More on the disinformation of Alex Jones - The Obama Deception, Debunked Click here
Black helicopter alert! Conservative media suggest Obama supporting one-world government! Continue>>
Alex Jones publishes fake interview of President Obama with ...Alex Jones, the controversial talk radio host and operator of conspiracy websites like and , sparked outrage today by ...And yet his cult followers still stand behind this deceiver!
Here is an email that I received from a dear Facebook friend and my reply:
October 17 at 11:37pm
JFK Secret Society Speech on you tube. Please watch it.They killed him and because he would not go along with them and they shot Reagan too, but he lived and conformed to what they wanted. Daddy Bush in it all. There is a pic of Bush then CIA at the book depository.Please watch it.Baby Bush W did go to Bible study 2 years and so called learned about what Christians believed. Some say he ws born again ,some think it was a act. Only God knows.
Lucy, thank you very much. I have never heard this speech. I will include my thoughts regarding this speech on my up coming blog.
I listened to 2 edited versions of the Presidents speech and 1 unedited version. The 1st edited version made me think. The 2nd version seem to be sensationalized.
The 3rd unedited version opened my eyes. Go listen to the unedited version of the Kennedy speech at the Kennedy library online.
The edited version of the late President's speech is a horrible manipulation of the truth. Kennedy was referring to the closed society of the USSR and Cuba and the conspiracy of spreading communism at the height of the "Cold War" which eventually led into the Cuban missile crisis. These people are trying to make you afraid by lying to you.
I have included the link directly to his speech online at the Kennedy Library.
I have included President Kennedy's unedited speech
You are a very sweet soul and I honestly feel that the truth is what you seek and desire.
And so do I. For that reason I will do my best to keep an open mind as I seek the truth but we are only human.
Good Bless You and Your Family,
Glenn SR
Note: As I did my initial internet search for info wars debunked on google and on youtube. This organization as arranged that their "Obama Deception Video" to appear. I also tried the deception behind the Obama deception and the initial description would read something like the fraud exposed to the Obama Deception. But once I enter into the website it turns out to be a plug for their movie, "The Obama Deception" These folks has clearly gone through the expense and work to rig the search engines with false results, anticipating someone like myself, wanting to evaluate opposing views to do an honest research on their organization and their deceptive movie.
Final thoughts. Obiviously Alex Jones and, "The Obama Deception" Cannot be taken as facts but as fables. It is my conclusion Jones & Bermas makes a living hyping up conspiracy theories. It's all about the money. Click here and see for yourself.
Top Ten Obama Conspiracy Predictions for 2009
Update: On what sources does the speaker base his facts? Is there something in it for him - a higher stock price, an advertising fee, or someone else's gratitude? Or is he simply biased because of the people he knows, the company he works for, or the attitudes he picked up at home?
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15
October 18 at 8:05pm
I have the movie and it basically says Obama is a puppet of the international banks.
Anonymous I have also watched the movie, but I applied critical thinking to it's merits & it came up short. Just because one makes an accusation does not make it true. The Republicans does it all of the time. I also checked out a couple of so called experts in the movie and they were a joke, one of the so called experts went off the deep end later and now is a cross dresser. And there is KRS the rapper with his weird analogy of a hamburger and a fast food restaurant. Former wrestler Jessie Ventura and the drunkard country music singer Willie Nelson? This guy uses celebrity star power to get folks to buy into his crazy theories without question. Alex Jones back on y2k eve pulled a "World of The Worlds" radio broadcast and scared the hell out of his listeners. I provided a link to it so you can hear it for yourself. The Kennedy speech regarding "Secret Societies" was edited. I went to the Kennedy library site and listened to the entire speech and he was clearly referring to the Soviet Union and Cuba regarding the cold war. Alex Jones had a very heavy hand in the direction and the production of this movie. Dave the guy is boggus. I did hours of research & still is on this guy and This man hustles hyped up conspiracy theories as a living and makes a lot of money selling things on his online store. This guy is full of fables and the research proves it. The Republican party did not take him seriously until Obama won the election. They use to avoid him like a plague but now that he suits there political purposes they are suddenly in love with this hustling nut job. Check out my research, I checked with numerous sources.
October 19 at 5:25am
To be honest, even before the movie came out...I knew all presidential candidates are simply figureheads and puppets of the powers that will lead to the New World Order. 9/11, the Iraqi war,'s all a smokescreen. This is all headed towards a totalitarian society...and it's been headed that way for years.
Fige Bornu October 19 at 7:11am
I agree with Harold that all U.S. presidents are puppets and only do what they are told to do. The problem with President Obama is that he is heralded as the "first" Black president, and as such he will be different. But he will not be. Thus, deception, in this regard, has a greater role.
Kirk Douglas October 19 at 7:22am
Movie=nonsense! Nostradamus is a corpse=more nonsense
Exactly Fige....I'm glad Obama won, because I was tired of seeing the same old tired white guys in the Oval Office...but I am a realist...he's a puppet like the rest...all of them will be puppets...the rest of us are just subjects of the kingdom
Gentleman, simple questions for you both. Where is your proof? From what credible verifiable sources? My point is that sometimes we are quick to jump on the band wagon of myths/fables without examining the validity of the myth & it's origins for ourselves.
I have no proof. I just believe we are headed towards a New World Order and all governmental leaders are simply figureheads in the process.
EXACTLY, so anyone who successfully run & elected President such as my son, daughters or your son, for example is doomed by "Opinion" to be a member of the famed "Illuminati" without "evidence" but convicted by "conjecture".
"....only if he wins..."
Pamela Ageofaquarius Holland
Wow the information is intense, back in time, it would have scared the hell out of me, but it only prove how scared HE is.
Thanks Carmen for your valuable comment. My moral point is we should examine our sources of information including news sources, no matter how sensationalized. We must personally examine our on bias or opinions ask why we feel the way we feel base on the information we've been exposed to. It is our personal responsibility to audit the reasons, information and it's merits, as well as it's sources & it's sources motives. Not only on politics but on all of our beliefs. Such as our religious views, social views and even our relationships. So that we are not buying into fables, myths, misinformation.