What would a Republican healthcare bill look like?
Posted by Glenn SR | | Posted on 8:27 PM
Senate Minority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell of Ky. gestures during a news conference on health care reform legislation on Oct. 2 in Washington.
(Evan Vucci/AP) GOP’s healthcare vision: light on mandates
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"What would a Republican healthcare bill look like?"
- What would a Republican healthcare bill look like? | csmonitor.com (view on Google Sidewiki)
Lucy Karen Floyd Vaughan
I like the GOP's ideas. Number one, ban tax payers funded abortions,expand medicaid to cover the poor who can't pay on their own,limit insurance company's right to cancel policy's,open the market across state lines making more competion,cut fraud by not renting equipment ,lax laws covering private care homes allowing care givers to have more ... Read Moreresidents.Give tax credits to home owners that build living quarters for loved ones.Expand home health. Build adult day care next to child care centers, so we can drop off mom and the baby and go to work. Tax breaks for people staying home with parents to keep them out of nursing homes. Expand PRESCRIPTIONS FOR LEXAPRO because a deep emotional depression could be on the way.Love your neighbor like you love you self and help each other.No public option, No in your face mandate HC, No government involvement in my healthcare.Pray for national security,because this will be the way they push this through.
4 hours ago
ucy you have some very good ideas. Especially expanding Medicade to cover the poor, I assume that goes for the unemployed as well.
Just curious, what is LEXAPRO ?