Republicans, listen up, "Keep on acting a fool over the Olympics, Nobel Peace Prize, If You Want...
Posted by Glenn SR | | Posted on 10:16 PM
In the meantime, the President's polling numbers are going up!
Conservatives and Republicans cheering that the United States of America lost the Olympic bid was epic FAILURE, on your part. Who in their right mind goes against their own country? That bitterness surely is not sitting well in the heart land.
Conservatives and Republicans whining and having a hissy fit over President Obama being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize does not bode well for you, either. Mr. Obama did not campaign for this award, had no idea that he would get this award, but to react like the sun and moon was falling from the sky, that behavior is a bit much. As Americans, we should be PROUD of our President receiving this monumental award. It has proven that the United States of America is moving in a new direction, away from the disastrous George W. Bush era. Your nastiness is not helping your party, one bit. Especially for the elusive independent voter, who thinks that your rhetoric is bat shit crazy!!!
in reference to: This Week With Barack Obama: Republicans, listen up, "Keep acting a fool over the Olympics, Nobel Peace Prize, if you want..." (view on Google Sidewiki)Keep an eye out for our next post: "Is Fox News Fair & Balance?" Click here to Follow This Blog!
Nakia Hathaway October 11 at 11:12pm
This is GREAT!!! See not EVERYONE wants to be destroyed by hatred!!! People want a CHANGE!!! We MUST GIVE OBAMA a CHANCE!!!! WE MUST!!! My great-uncle used to tell me that when he fought in the Korean War, it didn't matter what color you were, you had to sleep, eat, FIGHT,and fight HARD, TOGETHER!!! Whites and Blacks were in the SAME BUNKER, SAME MESS HALL, SAME FOX HOLE, TOGETHER.....TO CONQUER the ENEMY!!!!! And, that's what we must do!!!